
In the chair The Mayor (Cllr) M C Freeman

Councillors Councillors T Berry, J Griffiths, P Harrison, K Henderson, B Jones, D Little, R Lloyd, D Morris, N Martin, C Rogers, I Schmeising-Barnes, T I Schmeising-Barnes, A Sutton, J Thomas and H Williams


113. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors B Dawes and E Burnip. 114. MINUTES It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 9th January 2024 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor. 115. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Thomas declared an Other Disclosable Interest (ODI) in Agenda Item No. 8 - Minutes of Finance Committee (29/1/24), as he opened and closed Stourport Community Centre on behalf of the Town Council. Councillor T Schmeising-Barnes declared an ODI in Agenda Item No. 19 – Update on Civic Hall Working Group as he is a trustee of The Civic Group. Councillor I Schmeising-Barnes declared an ODI in Agenda Item No. 19 – Update on Civic Hall Working Party as she has a close connection with a trustee of The Civic Group. 116. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME There was no question time. 117. MAYORS COMMUNICATIONS The Mayor’s engagements were circulated and noted. 118. MOTIONS SUBMITTED UNDER STANDING ORDERS No motions had been received in accordance with Section 6 of the Council’s Standing Orders. 119. PARKS COMMITTEE MINUTES - 22ND JANUARY 2024 It was resolved that the minutes of the Parks Committee held on 22nd January 2024 be approved. 120. FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES - 29TH JANUARY 2024 The Chairman of the Finance Committee informed Council the precept was recommended to be increased by 18.9% mainly due to a shortfall in the budget for burial fees. It had become apparent that income was falling at other authorities. In response to a question, it was confirmed that the increase in allotment rent equated to less than 10% and the Mayoral allowance was capped to £4,000 for the mayoral year. It was resolved that the minutes of the Finance Committee held on 29th January 2024 be agreed. 121. PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES - 30TH JANUARY 2024 It be resolved that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 30th January 2024 be approved. 122. MEMBERSHIP OF THE HIGH STREET TASK FORCE WORKING PARTY The Committee membership for the High Street Task Force Working Party be agreed as follows: Councillors T Berry, B Dawes, J Griffiths, B Jones, D Little, T Schmeising-Barnes, A Sutton, J Thomas and H Williams. 123. CONSULTATION ON DRAFT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR NEW DIVISIONS, DIVISION BOUNDARY AND DIVISION NAMES FOR WORCESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL The Town Clerk referred Members to the consultation papers regarding proposed electoral arrangements for Worcestershire County Council. The proposal was to adopt the two division names as Stourport Mitton ward and Stourport Areley Kings & Riverside ward. Council agreed to the proposal. 124. UPDATES FROM REPRESENTATIVES ON OUTSIDE BODIES Councillor Lloyd informed Council the Annual General Meeting for Stourport Carnival had been held on 5th February 2023 and there had been a suggestion that the Carnival committee apply for charity status. They would also be asking for volunteers to come forward. In 2025, Stourport Carnival would celebrate their 100th year and it was noted that the current committee would all be stepping down. Members were also informed that a profit of £4,856.84 had been made at the carnival in 2023. Councillor Williams informed Council that the current chairman was standing down and a new chairman would be appointed at the Queen Elizabeth I Foundation. He added that Stourport Primary School would be added into the parish boundary. 125. UPDATE FROM COUNCILLOR B DAWES ON SAFER NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH The Town Clerk advised Council that she had received a report from PC Maher and this would be circulated. 125. UPDATE FROM COUNCILLORS P HARRISON AND C ROGERS (STOURPORT WORCESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL COUNCILLORS) Councillor Rogers updated Council as follows on roads in Stourport-on-Severn: • Road traffic collision, Gilgal/Mitton Street. Following a car accident at the side of Anglo House, the road system for Gilgal and Mitton Street had changed temporarily. Traffic monitoring was underway but it not known how long for. Members were informed Anglo House had structural damage. • Yellow hashed box – Severn Road/Mitton Street. Yellow hash markings are intended to stop crossing streams of traffic from blocking another route and Worcestershire County Council Highway officers could see no benefit from the area having a hashed box. Members disagreed and requested a meeting with Highway officers. • Windermere Way – a Heavy Goods Vehicle sign does not meet the current criteria for signage. • Windermere Way/Minster Road – area to be monitored for traffic lights. • Baldwin Road/Mill Road – being resurfaced. • Unadopted roads on Millfields – Leapgate (Morris Homes), Section 38 agreement had been signed. Evergreen Way (Taylor Wimpey) no Section 38 agreement had been signed yet. • High Street bollards – It was reported they doing the job they are supposed to do. • High Street/Parks Passage – Enforcement action being taken with regard to wheelie bins. • Car Park Signage – all signage was the responsibility of Wyre Forest District Council. • Fingerposts – owned by the Town Council. • Canal and River Trust – no response had been received regarding rental income. 126. ACCOUNTS The Town Clerk reported that Accounts for January 2024 totalling £41,540.93 had been paid since the last meeting and it was RESOLVED that the report be noted and approved. A Schedule of the Accounts paid and additional details were appended at the end of these Minutes, in the Council’s Minute Book and was available for general inspection. 127. ANY OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. 128. EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC Decision: "Under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of "exempt information" as defined in paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act. 129. UPDATE ON THE HIGH STREET TASK FORCE Councillor Griffiths informed Council that Terms of Reference had been agreed for the working group. The next meeting was scheduled for 12th February 2024 and it was proposed that a consultation and Community Engagement Plan be agreed. Councillor T Schmeising-Barnes left the meeting at this point, (7.07pm). 130. UPDATE FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE CIVIC HALL WORKING PARTY Councillor Martin reminded Council of the decision made in September 2023 and reported that the trustees had asked for clearer guidance. A discussion ensued and the decision was agreed as follows: Decision: The Civic Hall lease be granted to The Civic Group for a term of 3 years at an annual rent of a minimum of £6,500 (inclusive of VAT) with a full rent review every year. If a profit is made, then the rent will be £6,500 plus CPI (Consumer Price Index). With reference to point No. 27 of the draft lease (Animals) this would remain in the lease. 131. ANY OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business.

The meeting closed at 7.14pm